Less than a third of cryptocurrency companies fully grasp the sustainability reporting obligations imposed by MiCA

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
découvrez comment moins d'un tiers des entreprises de cryptomonnaies comprennent et appliquent les obligations de reporting sur la durabilité selon la régulation mica. une analyse essentielle pour saisir les défis actuels du secteur.
discover why less than a third of cryptocurrency companies meet sustainability reporting requirements according to mica regulations. analysis of challenges and implications for the sector.

Impact of Knowledge Gaps in MiCA Obligations

Less than a third of cryptocurrency companies have a clear understanding of the sustainability reporting obligations set forth by the MiCA regulation. The MiCA rules, which come into effect in the European Union, aim to standardize the market for crypto-assets and enhance transparency. Despite this initiative, a notable lack of familiarity persists among the affected service providers, jeopardizing compliance. This could lead to serious consequences, such as reputational damage, which has already been highlighted as a risk by 75% of entities surveyed in a recent poll.

🔥 Nous recommandons Zengo

Zengo est de loin le meilleur portefeuille NFT et crypto. Outre le fait d’être un portefeuille non-dépositaire, il privilégie la sécurité des utilisateurs en proposant le MPC. Zengo se démarque aussi par son authentification à 3 facteurs. Sa fonctionnalité multi-chaînes le permet en même temps de prendre en charge divers actifs numériques dont les blockchains les plus populaires.

Compliance Challenges for Cryptocurrency Companies

The main challenge for industry players remains the complexity of regulatory requirements and the lack of ready-made solutions to address them. This lack of solutions is a significant hindrance cited by 50% of respondents, while the collection of necessary resources is seen as a major barrier by about 38% of companies. Adding to this is a scarcity of available information, reported by nearly a third of those surveyed, creating a truly complex equation to solve for these service providers.

Zumo, a Pioneer for Sustainable Compliance

In this challenging landscape, Zumo positions itself as a pioneer in the sustainability of digital assets. As an active participant in the Crypto Sustainability Coalition of the World Economic Forum, Zumo is not limited to words. With its award-winning Oxygen product, the company offers solutions that measure the environmental impact of crypto-assets and effectively align their activities with net zero principles, thus providing an advantage to service providers seeking MiCA compliance. By fostering dialogue and offering new accessible solutions, Zumo actively supports the transition to a crypto industry that is more transparent and sustainable.

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cryptocurrencies,cryptocurrency companies,mica,reporting obligations,sustainability

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