MAS and ABS Join Forces to Create a New Payment Entity, Preparing National Payment Systems for a New Chapter of Growth

Online Payments
découvrez comment mas et abs s'associent pour former une nouvelle entité de paiement, révolutionnant les systèmes de paiement nationaux et ouvrant la voie à une croissance sans précédent. ne manquez pas ce tournant majeur dans le paysage financier.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) are about to merge their expertise to create a key player in the field of national payments. This new entity will ensure the coordination and governance of payment solutions such as FAST, PayNow, and the Singapore Quick Response Code (SGQR). With high-level representatives from the financial sector directing the strategy, this initiative promises to revolutionize the payment infrastructure in Singapore, facilitating faster, more efficient, and more innovative transactions. It is a giant step towards a robust and unified digital economy, where payment solutions transcend borders, thus providing businesses and consumers with a seamless and inclusive experience.

find out how mas and abs are teaming up to launch a new payment entity, thus revolutionizing national payment systems and paving the way for unprecedented growth. explore the implications of this strategic collaboration for the future of financial transactions.

Creation of a New Payment Entity in Singapore

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) have decided to create a new entity to consolidate the governance and administration of the national payment systems of Singapore. This initiative aims to position these systems for a new phase of growth. By closely collaborating with the MAS, this entity will be at the heart of Singapore’s national payment strategy, ensuring a payment infrastructure that is both secure, efficient, and fosters innovation.

Benefits of Consolidation

The main national payment systems of Singapore, such as Fast And Secure Transfers (FAST), PayNow, and the Singapore Quick Response Code (SGQR), are widely used by consumers and businesses. Currently managed by various administrators, the consolidation under a single entity will improve coordination and decision-making. This will allow financial institutions and payment service providers to better leverage opportunities in global payments and stimulate growth and innovation in the payments sector in Singapore.

Impacts on the Payment Sector

The new entity, led by high-level representatives from the MAS and the financial services industry, will provide strategic direction to the management teams. Industry committees will also be formed to interact with banks, payment service providers, and key stakeholders, thereby ensuring an inclusive strategy development. This consolidation will not result in any changes to the operating rules of the national payment systems, but will allow for evolution to meet the emerging needs of consumers and businesses.

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